Although most 1st generation students often receive financial aid packages to help them cover their costs, many find themselves still strapped and in need to assistance. In fact, many first-generation students struggle to pay for textbooks, groceries, and other college necessities. Some may also be contributing to financially supporting their families at home. If you are struggling financially to adequately provide for your needs, check out the resources below to find some help.
Financial Crisis Support
Even with the best planning, students sometimes find themselves in urgent need of financial help. There are a few university resources that can provide that help. There are Associated Students/EOP grants that can be used to meet unusual educationally-related expenses (e.g., urgent medical, dental, and housing crises; graduate program testing, application fees, textbooks & supplies). You must be enrolled in EOP and meet the requirements of the grant terms to be eligible. The university has also established a financial crisis team that provides support to students in urgent financial need. For assistance, email the Financial Crisis Team: [email protected] |
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